Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 20 "A Viking Experience"

Today we drove out to a reconstructed Viking settlement in L'ans aux Meadows in northwestern Newfoundland. The Vikings, from Norway and Greenland, came to Newfoundland around 1001 AD. They only stayed a short time about 7-8 years and no one really knows why they left. Could have been the natives didn't like their looks, with the light skin, red hair and metal ornaments.

Leif Erickson was the first to come across this area and named it Vinland for the wild grapes he believed he saw.

Joe really had a big time exploring the different structures and hearing about the history. Me thinks he's a true warrior at heart!

This is the chief warrior's wife; not one to mess with!
The young moose were not at all afraid of us.

Tonight we went to a Viking feast in a sod hut. Don't be fooled by the exterior, it was heated and pleasant inside

The costumed performers conducted a ceremony of "All Things". After explaining the offenses and punishments used during the Viking rule, each table was to create an offense, accuse the person or persons and then the audience determined guilt or innocence. It was pretty hilarious.

"Yours truely" was put before the judge!

The appetizers came first. I didn't recognize the items and only AFTER I had eaten one of them did I find out it was fried cod tongue!
The actual meal (buffet) was delicious - lots of steamed vegetables, corned beef and cabbage, roast beef, moose stew, salmon, potatoes and bread. And of course desert and coffee or hot tea.
Interesting Day!

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