Friday, July 15, 2011

July 14, Meeting the Caravan at Mount Rushmore

Our first outing with the caravan group was a Chuck Wagon supper. What a blast! We rode in a horse drawn wagon to an area on the outskirts of the campground. Joe was really in his element because he got to ride up front with a real cowboy. All of the crew working this event were actual ranchers or ranch hands.

Here's something Joe CAN drive!
Joe inspects the Chuck Wagon.
They prepared Ball Joint Sirloins, cowboy beans (which were scrumptious), skillet potatoes and pear and peach crisp for desert. ALL dishes were cooked over an open fire. It was amazing!
And our entertainment was great!

The finale for the day was a trip to see Mount Rushmore -
an inspiring experience!
The next day (July 15), we loaded up in cars and toured Custer State Park. One scenic loop was the Needles road. Name derived from a cluster of uniquely shaped rocks - one representing the eye of the needle.
We saw a few critters along the way too.

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