Monday, July 25, 2011

July 21- 23, Buffalo Bill and Cody

Our last day in Cody was spent touring the Buffalo Bill Dam, a gunfight in the streets, dinner at the Irma Hotel and a high energy cowboy musical group. All of which made Joe, the "closet" cowboy, want to pull on his boots and giddy-up!

Cody, WY was Bill Cody's town. His influence and efforts can been observed in every corner of this place.

We went to see the Buffalo Bill Dam, which took many years and lives to build. The story about this project is one of management failures, geologic obstacles and finally success. The main purpose of the dam is to provide irrigation for the land around this part of Wyoming.

One evening we went to see a gun fight on the street outside the Irma Hotel. This hotel was built by Buffalo Bill and named after his daughter, Irma. Bill Cody became good friends with the Queen of England, who, after seeing his wild west show decided to send a beautifully carved 30 ft long wooden bar for his hotel. It is said that the Queen had never recognized the American flag prior to her relationship with Bill Cody. Hmmmmmm.
We saw Trail Town, a collection of historic buildings and relics of the Wyoming frontier. It was reconstructed on the original site of old Cody City.

Our day ended on a perfect note! Cowboys songs. Joe knows all those old cowboy songs so he sang along and tapped his feet. The selection of music was very family oriented; they sang some great old gospel songs and had the audience join in. What a wonderful way to end the day - singing Happy Trails.
Joe and the banjo player

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