Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 20, Cody, WY - She'll be comin' round the mountain"

We left Devil's Tower and drove about 185 miles to Cody, Wy. Since I did dream about the poor buffaloes last night, I was already tired when we started. The first part was pretty exciting because we started to see snow on the mountaintops. Joe did his best to get a few shots through the windshield. I think he did a great job!
This was the hardest driving I've done so far; we headed up the Big Horn Mountains and it would take all the power Chuckie could muster!
We arrived at a beautiful scenic overview and the whole caravan pulled over for a 20 min. break. So far I was holding up pretty good.
But then we had to come down that mountain!

I told Joe to hold on ---- here we go!
Several times I had to shift down to second gear and once down to first gear. That makes me so nervous. He warns me not to use the breaks any more than I have to. All I could think was -------- REALLY?

But we arrived at Cody with no overheated brakes or engine trouble. We were treated that night to a delicious buffet. I ate 3 deserts, yes 3 - I earned them!


Ed, Carol and Gopher the dog said...

Well you two just continue having a marvelous time. We check in with you every day.
We're in Niagara Falls, NY. Today the heat index was 110* per the news.
Heading to Ontario then Michigan in search of cool.

Take care:
Ed & Carol

Carol and H. T. NE 26 said...

Just discovered your blog today and caught up on your trip. Sounds (and looks) like your're having a great time.

We head out 8/10 for our longest adventure so far, about six/seven weeks to the west coast, up to Washington and back through where you are now on our way back. Keep an eye out if you see us.

Greg said...

Well if Chuckie can make it; Fiona should too. She is only is only a year older. My neighbor and I are headed that way next week. Perhaps we will see you on the flip side or in Lancaster, PA in September.

Greg Emerton NE56