Friday, July 29, 2011

July 29, 2,835 Miles

"She was comin' round the mountain, she was ........................"


Now if I can get over this hernia ..........


Yesterday, we were in Eden, ID and visited the beautiful waterfalls of Twin Falls and the Shoshone Falls.

See the rainbow? How special is that!
We spotted these little Yellow Bellied Marmoths (that's what somebody called them). They were having a friendly fight over whose nest it was.

We then went to Centennial Park to watch the "jumpers". Yes, see the guy on the bridge...he's going to jump! And he did.
Then he opened a parachute and landed, Whew.

This morning, July 29th, we left Eden and drove 200 miles to Challis, ID. Along the way we stopped to tour the "Crater of the Moon". About 15,000 years ago, this was an area of volcanic activity . It occurred along the "Great Rift", where lava welled up to produce a vast ocean of black rock. It was a unique and starkly different vista in this land of mountains, valleys and prairies.
As we continued along the highway, known as the "Peaks to Crater Scenic Byway", we could readily see how it got it's name. But in our case it was "Craters to Peaks Byway". Joe took the shot below. No, he really wasn't driving.

Our day ended at the Challis Valley RV Resort with a fabulous outdoor picnic of pulled pork, delicious Idaho potato salad, the best baked beans I've ever had, slaw, watermelon and brownies. This was generously provided by our campground owners. They were super hosts!
Chuckie stands ready for another day of adventure caravanning. His driver? Well..............


Ed, Carol and Gopher the dog said...

Carol & I got caught up on your blog. Glad you're having such a wonderful time.
Take care:
Ed & Carol

Carol & H. T. Pohlman said...

We also caught up today as well. GREAT pictures! Just had to Oooo and Ahaaa at those from Grand Teton NP. We spent an entire afternoon in a viewing area just gazing at their beauty. This place should be on everyone's Bucket List. I rank it just after the Grand Canyon.

Keep the tales and pictures coming and stay well.

Carol & H. T.

Larry Duncan said...

I'm still sitting out front in my yard with my bags packed waiting for you to pick me up. Hurry because I'm getting hungry out here and it's hot. Look forward every day to your picures while I'm waiting. Your sad little brother, Larry.

Larry Duncan said...

Been wondering where you are. Your followers expect daily, detailed, lengthy, perfectly worded, blow by blow accounts of your trip. Looks like you're having a lot of fun. Have you begun to miss home yet? I will be retired and packing our clothes this time next year. Brother